Sunday, March 6, 2011

next project : wedding souvenir

wedding souvenir??who is going to married?me?ahha of course not now..I just planned to crochet 1000 pouches for my wedding. But i still don't know when will i got married..with whom it will be..I just wanna have a perfect wedding, and the wedding souvenir will be my hand crocheted stuff. Is it cool? yea..that's my plan..this is my wedding souvenir's sample.
*will it being an exclusive wedding souvenir?


  1. wuuuaaaaah kalo memang bisa bikin souvenir sendiri segitu banyak, hebat banget deh!! ehhehehehe
    semoga segera menikah, jadi keinginan untuk bikin souvenirnya segera tercapai

  2. Tante suka handmade handmade gitu ya?
    Dija bikin acara giveaway lhooo
    hadiahnya handmade juga

    cuma belom dipublish hadiahnya apaan

    ikutan ya Tante???

  3. mb Elsa : mbaak..namanya juga rencana..hehee, sampe saat ini belum jadi satu-pun..hiahahaha...amiiin amiin terimakasih doanya mb elsa..:)

    dija cantik: iya sayang, tante suka bangeet..
    yaah sayang banget tante belom sempet nulis surat buat dija..tante ikutannya tahun depan aja ya cantik..:)*kiss n hug
